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Excel for Controllers


Effective reporting with pivots and macros

  • Use Excel even more efficiently and save time
  • Professional solutions for analyses, budgeting and reporting
  • Automating routine tasks

Dieses Seminar ist als 0-tägiges Präsenz-Seminar buchbar.

As a controller and employee in the financial sector, Excel is your most important working tool. Save time with professional Excel knowledge! We will show you proven solutions to problems that you can use specifically for controlling and accounting areas with immediate effect. Meaning that you will always successfully achieve your goals!

Ekomi Auszeichnung


4,8 / 5

Sehr professioneller Anbieter für zahlreiche Seminare. Größtenteils super Dozenten und ein excellenter Service und Begleitung während des Seminars.


Registration for the Excel for Controllers Seminar

Please note that our open courses are offered in German only.

To book any of our trainings in English, you can either decide for a company training at one of our locations or choose a customized in-house seminar at your company.

» company training / customized in-house seminar request

Excel for Controllers als Firmenseminar anfragen

Who’ll be taking part in the seminar?

The seminar is suitable for anyone who often has to work with large quantities of figures and is confident in their use of Excel. But at the same time, you know that you are not making maximum use of all the possibilities. The Excel for Controllers intensive seminar is just right for you if you would like to fully apply techniques to simplify your tasks and work significantly more effectively and professionally.

By the end of the seminar, you will be able to

  • create ad hoc analyses with pivot tables;
  • recognise methods and functions for successful controlling;
  • ensure the quality of data imported into Excel and effectively protect sensitive corporate data;
  • save time through efficient application;
  • use tips & tricks to your benefit.

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100 EUR Gutschein Unsere Treueprämie. Viele unserer Kundinnen und Kunden kommen wieder, weil sie die Vielfalt und die Aktualität unseres Kursangebotes schätzen. Darüber freuen wir uns sehr und schenken jedem Teilnehmenden nach der Schulung als Dankeschön einen Gutschein im Wert von 100 Euro.
Unsere Trainer Unser Schulungs-Team. Nur zusammen sind wir erfolgreich. Dank der unterschiedlichsten beruflichen Hintergründe unserer Referent*innen können wir auf Ihre individuellen Anforderungen eingehen. Werfen Sie doch einen Blick auf unser Team an Dozentinnen und Dozenten.
Alle Trainer*innen

Professionelle Excel Schulungen bei CONFEX

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