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Excel in Reporting


Creating complex management reports - simple!

  • Planning, structuring and energising reports
  • Calculating and modelling multi-dimensional data structures
  • Recognising the potential for automation of the entire process

Dieses Seminar ist als 0-tägiges Präsenz-Seminar buchbar.

Do you work with Microsoft Excel on a daily basis as a tool for the analysis and processing of large amounts of data? Do you have to prepare this information from scratch every time; a procedure prone to errors and usually not adequately documented for third parties? Would you like to present complex facts and reports in a simple and convincing fashion? We will show you what makes a good report. Learn about solutions and work techniques that will help you present data efficiently and clearly.

Ekomi Auszeichnung


4,8 / 5

Super Seminar mit hohem Praxisbezug und vielen Praxistipps.


Registration for the Excel in Reporting Seminar

Please note that our open courses are offered in German only.

To book any of our trainings in English, you can either decide for a company training at one of our locations or choose a customized in-house seminar at your company.

» company training / customized in-house seminar request

Excel in Reporting als Firmenseminar anfragen

Who’ll be taking part in the seminar?

The seminar is aimed at anyone for whom Excel is the central tool for the analysis and processing of large amounts of data. This also applies to data from ERP systems and other external sources. At the same time, you have regularly recurring tasks and processes which are home to great potential for simplifying your reporting.

By the end of the seminar, you will be able to

  • simply restructure and link data from large data stocks and prepare it for pivot analyses;
  • use PowerQuery to document and automate the associated work steps so that error sources can be eliminated and a lot more time is made available for analysis and commentary;
  • structure data efficiently and flexibly analyse it from different points of view;
  • master the basic rules for good design and getting the point out succinctly;
  • recognise what visualisation options Excel has to offer apart from charts;
  • construct reports in such a way that they can be updated with just a few clicks.

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Professionelle Excel Schulungen bei CONFEX

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